About the SFWG
Science fiction is the distinctive fictional form of late modernity. Bridging popular and elite cultures, engaging critics and enthusiasts, scientists and humanists, it is ideally suited to lively and productive debates on questions of fundamental concern to the humanities and the social, behavioral, and physical sciences. Since its emergence as a dominant form of cultural production in the 19th century, science fiction has served as a primary medium for forecasting effects of technology and science in the human world. In an era of increased academic emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, sf studies is an invaluable site of intervention by and collaboration with humanist methods of inquiry.
The Science Fiction Working Group (SFWG) is an interdisciplinary scholarly alliance of University of Florida faculty, researchers, and graduate students working in the fields of science fiction, fantasy, and utopian studies. Our faculty members are nationally and internationally recognized for their contributions to these disciplines. Our graduate student members are working on theses, dissertations, and creative works that represent the next generation of sf scholarship and production. Through collaboration in research, teaching, and the organization of symposia, conferences, lectures, and film screenings, we promote sf studies at the University of Florida and work to raise the University’s profile in this important field.
We welcome membership by any UF faculty or graduate student, in any discipline. Visiting scholars in relevant fields may also become members. If you would like to join the SFWG or be notified of upcoming SFWG-sponsored events, please contact Terry Harpold or M. Elizabeth Ginway.
SFWG logo by Jane Dominguez and Madeline Gangnes